Friday, September 4, 2020

The Weekend Roundup, 'J'

Time again for Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. 'J' is our prompt today; however, I'll be a bit creative today in my choices to meet the prompt accordingly...

Jump! Naturally in order to bounce one has to Jump first, the higher the jump is proportionate to the intensity of bounce of course...

A major international gateway in New York City is JFK Airport in Rockaway NY. Here is Dad exiting his flight in the then new Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, March 1970.

The New Jersey shore is a fine 'J'. (Top) Grandma Agnes sits on the seawall in Brigantine, NJ in July 1972 while Grandpa Ralph is along the famed Boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ in June 1961. 

A Favorite. We like squirrels in our yard (they and the birds get along fine, here at last :) yesterday. Have a great week all!


  1. ...Ralph, I'm afraid that my JUMPING days are over!
    ...Pan Am, is that a flashback or what!
    ...I've only been to the JERSEY shore once and that was years ago.
    ...since I stopped filling my bird feeders the squirrels haven't been around.
    Thanks Ralph for stopping by, take care.

  2. It may have been hard finding those "J" words but you did really good. I would never have come up with Jump but it works and fits in well with the bouncy house activity. My left knee joint has been replaced back in 2011 and I sure don't want to mess it up. I had to stop playing golf because the knee was rebelling. Lastly, we are starting to get them in our neighborhood as the oak trees have starting to have acorns. And the rabbits don't eat acorns. We are being run over by the bunnies.

  3. Great jump shots Ralph and I always love seeing the old images of your family. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: