Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Weekend Roundup, 'B'

The second letter of the alphabet is this week's prompt at Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. This letter brings me back to 1964 and a vacation at the New Jersey Shore...

The beach town here is Brigantine, the barrier island north of Atlantic City. I am the only boy in our Big family posing on the sandy Beach...

On vacation on the famous Boardwalk in Atlantic we could once rent and ride Bicycles early mornings 

In Atlantic City, Grandpa took our pictures at Captain Starns Yacht Bar. I believe my little sister is posing in front of this Boat bar. 1964 was in the times before the glitz of the casinos along the Boardwalk and charming watering holes like this were all over this old resort town...

And back to the Boardwalk is the family vacation photog, Grandpa

A Favorite. Okay back to the present. On Thursday, our daughter felt like someone was staring at her - and she was right :) This squirrel with its Bushy tail was! I cannot say I am a big fan of these but this one is very winsome...Have a great week all!


  1. Ralph, I thank you for showing this wonderful picture of your Big Family. Are they a few cousins mingled in for the Holiday or all brothers and sisters. Our Big Family was nine, all cousins with dads being four brothers.
    You little sister was ready with her pistol, but I know you would never let anyone kill a pretty squirrel like this one.
    An aside, in 1964 we moved from New Hampshire to Houston and have been here ever since. My four ranged from six to three years old. I was an Aerospace Engineer with Philco Corp. and had finished with the installation and made operational of the New Hampshire USAF Satellite Tracking Station out of Manchester and was ready to help at NASA Manned Space Center Houston.
    Keep up the great oldie photos, I love them. And Stay Safe,

  2. ...Ralph, I was in Atlantic City in the '50s and how I remember the BROADWALK and Captain Starns and of course saltwater taffy! Thanks for sharing these memories and that cute squirrel with the BUSHY tail!

  3. What fun that trip must have been. Great pics! Love the squirrel!

  4. I love old photos, and enjoy looking at everyones! I've sure posted my share of them, too. Nice shot of the squirrel, they sure can be pesty little critters! Have a nice week, Ralph.

  5. I do love your old black and white photographs Ralph of your family and that Squirrel is very cute. Stay safe and have a fabulous week ahead


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: