Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Weekend Roundup, 'C'

The weekend is in full swing so now is the perfect time to post in Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. The third letter of the alphabet is featured this week...

Here is a look at 1996 when our son Cameron was working on an early Pentium Computer. It must've left an impression as he is a software developer today... 

Here is one of Grandpa's last cars, an enormous 1971 Chrysler Three Hundred. This was a true land barge, huge, powerful and quiet. It was a handful for me to drive being used to much smaller vehicles. With is famous 440 RB engine, it was quite fast and passed everything in sight (except a gas /petrol station of course...)

This was taken on a beach on Cape Cod. We were stationed at Kalmus Beach on Hyannis Harbor.

A Favorite. This was on Wednesday with the peach hued clouds billowing up to the stratosphere it seemed. Have a great week all! 

1 comment:

  1. ALWAYS good to have a kid who CAN bail you out when it COMES to COMPUTERS! You Have CAMERON and I have my son Eric. In 1971 the CHRYSLER Three Hundred, now take a look at the Dodge Three Hundred. I haven't been to CAPE COD in years. Those CLOUDS are beauties. Thanks Ralph for COMING by, take CARE and I hope to see you next week.


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: