Friday, May 8, 2020

The Weekend Roundup, 'S'

Friday appears for the week, so it's time again for Tom's meme, The Weekend Roundup. Today's letter prompt is easy - what's not easy is choosing among the hundreds of photos that match the prompt :) Here we go...

My heritage begins in Steubenville Ohio, so here were! I believe the year is 1946, my dad, in the USAAF and Aunt Terry are by the Market Street Bridge over the Ohio River to West Virginia. Built in 1906, it still stands and has that Steel bridge deck that I, and most drivers it seems, do not like to drive over...    

Sunrise also begins with 'S'. I've used this before, but like it enough to use it gain :) This was an early morning flight Atlanta-Philadelphia on a Delta Airlines 727 on Jan. 2, 1981. I believe we were over South Carolina. Note the faint curvature of the earth below at about 6:45 a.m.

Stainless Steel is another 'S', these tanks at the Two Roads Brewing Co. in Stratford Connecticut. My daughter and I took a brewery tour on March 7, one week before the lockdown in the state...
The Strand Theater in neighboring Seymour Connecticut is rather alliterative. And the Sterling Lion Players performed this offbeat play a couple of years ago.

A Favorite. During these times of lockdowns, some have kept their Christmas holiday light on their houses. We have kept ours inside - love the LED lights, snow person and reindeer. this - and takeout meals - are methods of coping. Have a great week all!


  1. ...I'm with you, I don't like to drive over STEEL deck bridges either.
    ...that SUNRISE looks SURREAL. took that tour in the nick of time!
    ...there are two STRAND Theaters in New York that I know off and I saw one in Pennsylvania.
    ...folk are trying to be festive here too!
    Thanks Ralph for STOPPING by, take care and STAY SAFE!

  2. Nice pictures, Ralph. I always like the oldies, they seem to jog memories that I like. Those old bridges? I like driving over them when the boards slap. We took our lights dow, didn't have many vibe ause we were out of town from December 4 until January 11. A nice cruise from Dubai to South Africa via the India coast and Indian Ocean Islands. That's a pretty sunrise. The camera red eye corrector takes the red out of mine.
    We too have opened to soon, our numbers are still increasing faster and faster.
    Stay safe!!

  3. I love your Christmas lights! I still have some left in the garden. It is funny how S-words don't come to mind - stainless steel, sunset & sunrise of course :) But did not occur to me. Your sunrise photo is awesome. Happy Mothers' Day weekend.

  4. I don't enjoy driving over any bridge, but especially not an old steel one. Love that sunrise and those Christmas lights would be my favorite, too. Happy Saturday!


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