Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Weekend Roundup, 'J'

Ah, Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow, Spring and Summer are a bit nearer and being Saturday, time again for Tom's fun meme,The Weekend Roundup. This week's letter prompt is a tough one, so I'll go back to an oft remembered 'J', that being the New Jersey beaches, more specifically Brigantine, in July. This small hamlet is a barrier island just north of Atlantic City. These views are from the Seagull Cottages and Motel - So Jersey Shore it is!

Grandma Agnes sits ahead of high tide on the Atlantic, July 1961.

Grandpa looks Jolly (he always seemed to be :) in the photo of his six (at that time) grandkids, July 1964. I'm in plaid...

A still Jolly Grandpa sits on the seawall overlooking the Atlantic, July 1972.

Santa is always Jolly at the Ansonia Holiday Marketplace.

This week's Favorite is Monday's sunset on the Ansonia Hilltop. Rain was on its way, so the moisture laden clouds gave us vivid pastels with the remaining sliver of remaining sunlght. Have a great week all!

1 comment:

  1. ...Ralph, JULY was a JOLLY time for your family, being at the ocean makes my JOLLY too. Such a beautiful ending to the day. Have a JOLLY good weekend.


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: