Friday, January 24, 2020

The Weekend Roundup, 'D'

On a relatively balmy Friday means it's again time for Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. The fourth letter allows for this week's prompts...

Starts with 'D' includes our neighbor of Derby, Connecticut and its beautiful Derby Public Library. Built in 1902, it was expanded in character in 1999. 

A landmark of Derby is the stately Sterling Opera House (1889) at Dusk. The Dark purple sky surrounds the brilliantly lit cupola. 

Another 'D' is Doggie, this one looking splendid in its Santa suit...

This was taken on a Drive along northbound Connecticut Route 15 in Woodbridge

A Favorite. The always lovely Patti captured these glowing trees at Osbornedale State Park in Derby. Have a great week all!


  1. Derby looks pretty quiet and quaint. The library is one of a few buildings of that style. I really liked the road picture, of it leading to a tunnel. We don't have tunnels in our part of Texas, the first Hills around Houston are just a little to the north. Never ever would anyone need a tunnel with these

  2. A Doggy Santa - so cute <3 The Derby library is so charming!

  3. Love the light in the last shot and the way the bell tower is illuminated. That is a very pretty library Ralph. Have a lovely weekend

  4. Looks like a lovely town! A library always attracts me.

  5. ...Ralph, what a D elightful collection of Ds. To see the Derby Library would be worth the trip and the Sterling Opera House would be the frosting on the cake. Nice little Santa's helper. I see that you have finally received some snow. The glowing tree are a treat, thanks for stopping by and enjoy your week.


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: