Friday, November 29, 2019

The Weekend Roundup - 'V'

The day after Thanksgiving in the USA is...Friday! Thus time again for Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. The alphabet may be wearing down. However, I am ready!

Beginning with 'V' is Voices. Here, Ansonia High School Music Director Maria leads the school chorus in song at the Veteran's Day ceremony outside city hall on November 11. 

Like Tom, Volkswagens also begin with 'V'. Our family had a few of these as I was growing up, and these were two of them: top is a 1963 VW Microbus (15 window) with my Dad and grandparents standing beside December, 1963 East Hartford, CT.

The next is our 1964 VW Beetle also by our East Hartford Home. The year is 1969, it is easter Sunday and my little brother Chris looks both dapper and cute at almost 5.

Volume begins with 'V', and this is a glimpse of the food bags filled for 150 families in need at the Salvation Army Greater Valley on Tuesday. I am thankful that food insecurity has not visited us - and equally sad that food deprivation exists...
A Favorite. Mine this week was taken about three hours ago, the fiery sunset over Pershing Drive in Derby CT. The best sunsets always seem to occur in the cold of Winter. Have a great week all!


  1. A great selection of V:s! Old photos please me this time, too. Charity in the form of food bags is needed also in Finland.

  2. Yes I agree it is sad that nowadays in our society, some people do not have enough food but good that there are food banks. There is one big one in my town. Love the shot of your brother. She does look very smart in his outfit. Great final shot. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. ...Veteran's Day is a good choice that I hadn't thought of of.
    ...and here I thought that you were a Dodge family!
    ...being hungry and homeless doesn't like the American way, but it often is. they say, 'red sky at night sailor's delight.'
    Thanks Ralph for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  4. I learned to drive on a 1968 Volkswagen Beetle, it was the car I got my license on. I can still remember having to parallel park it on a hill! We also had a 1970 Karmen Gia convertible and 1961 Bug. I miss those cars! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. We spend ours in Mattapoisett, MA with my cousins, every year. Have a good week, Ralph.


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: