Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Weekend Roundup - "I"

(Note that I am migrating my Airhead-RV blog to our Valley-Voice CT Newsletter Blog starting today. Simplicity rules :) 

Saturday means it is time for Tom's fun meme The Weekly Roundup. Today's letter offers a challenge, so I found only a couple of appropriate subjects...

The first 'J' is, of course, New Jersey. Our daughter was on the Atlantic at the vacation town of Seaside. She sent a few pics and this being a typical arcade on its boardwalk. Being a money pit to the consumer looking for fun, the name is apt as Leo is Lucky every summer vacation season...
The coolest 'J' in our yard are the multitude of Blue Jays. This one was seen this week. We believe it to be a hatchling from this past Spring as his plumage on top is not as well defined like the Blue Jays we usually see.
We found out a couple of years ago that Blue Jays love eggshells. So we offer those to our feathered friends!
Our Blue Jay friends hang around all year, 24/7/365. This is feb. 2018 and while he/she doesn't appear to like the snowy day, his plumage allows them to bear the cold. Give him an eggshell! Have a great week!


  1. ...I never was much of a fan of arcades (I always worked too hard for my money), but I do love the sign. I'd love to see it lit at night.
    ...great way to get rid of egg shells!
    Thanks Ralph for checking in, have a 'J'olly week!

  2. I have always wanted to see a blue jay first such luck around here though.

  3. Ralph, I like your Blue Jay's. Especially the one eating the egg shell. Fowls need lots of calcium to make their own egg shells. Mom kept the pullets for laying Hens and sold the roosters, what we wouldn't eat on every Sunday. She kept oyster shells on hand for calcium food for their making shells on the eggs.


The Valley-Voice Newsletter for Aug. 31

The Valley-Voice Newsletter is here: